Welcome to "What big teeth you have"
The only fanlisting for "The Company of Wolves" listed at the TheFanlistingsNetwork in the Movies category.
Company of Wolves is a new approach on the little Red Riding Hood fairytale. Like in the older versions of the tale, it is meant to warn of men in general by comparing them to wolves and some actually being werewolves. But in this movie it is all part a growing awareness of the sexuality of the young girl who is the main protagonist.
If you are a fan of this amazing movie, why don't you join?
This fanlisting was last updated 16th January 2025 and has a total of 90 members from 23 countries with 0 waiting for approval.
About 0.01 fans per day have joined since the fanlisting was opened on the 4th July 2004 by Candeta. Who let me adopt the listing on the 28th August 2005.
The fanlisting is maintained by Barbayat with the aid of Enthusiast, CodeSort, Fan Update and other sources.

26th January 2023
Moved the fanlisting, re-added all the buttons and checked everything.